Saturday, May 21, 2011


Friends (Shannon)

And more friends (Dana)

   Alright, no philosophical speech for today. That's because I've not really learnt any lessons these days, or at least got reminded of any. Eversince my grandpa passed away, I've not been learning as much lessons that a boy needs to become a man in life. My dad also doesn't give me the talk anymore cause he thinks that I've pretty much got it all down. I wish he did, cause I still need to learn. To learn and share it with others.

   However, there's an advice that I can share for some. If you want to be wise, keep your mouths shut and listen to others more. Reason being that when you shut up, you'll give others a chance to share more. When others share more, you listen more. When you listen more, don't tell me that you do not learn more? Be it whether whatever they say is wrong, right, stupid, amazing, disgusting, or agonizing, you'll still manage to learn something if you listen. Eg. If a stranger tells you to caress him in his hairy nipples, you'll at least learn that that guy is one piece of shittily sick thick stinky asshair, and that at least the world is still pretty much an interesting place.

   p.s. F is the letter for family and friends. Please use those words more rather than vulgarities because they sound more pleasant.